Hipoges guarantees a comprehensive solution for the management of distressed assets


Hipoges offers a wide range of services in connection with Asset Management. Advisory services on the process of valuation and purchasing, consulting services on the design of processes and implementation of management tools, management solutions for various types of assets and investment.
Asset Management
Fully integrated teams of Asset Managers, Legal Managers, Real Estate Managers and Analysts, dedicated to the credit recovery activity and Real Estate asset disposal on the portfolios managed by the company on behalf of investors and financial institutions.
Corporate Services
Expert dedicated team focusing on providing corporate servicing, accounting and bureaucratic services, related to the management of Real Estate investment vehicles.
Securitization Vehicles
Specialized services in the establishment and management of securitization vehicles and the respective notes issuance in the Spanish and Portuguese markets, thanks to an STC that can operate in several countries.
Advisory Services
Hipoges provides Underwriting and Due Diligence services for the evaluation of investments, along with continuous appraisal on Real Estate assets applying diversified methodologies.
Asset Cleaning
Un equipo especializado en seleccionar y preparar los procesos de venta llevando a cabo toda el proceso de Asset Cleaning para convertir activos de Real Estate no comercializables en unidades preparadas para su comercialización.
Real Estate Management
Integral management of properties (direct purchase and awarded), covering their entire cycle from the award to their sale. Bureaucratic procedures, administration, commercialization and advice on the closing of the transaction.


Instituciones de primer nivel confían en Hipoges
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