Last February 24th, IMN hosted the event “Virtual Investor’s Conference on Greek NPLs”, an event in which HipoGes was pleased not only to be present, but also to be one of the official sponsors.
The Greek NPL market is the one to look at and 2021 is a year believed to stay in the History of this sector. The growing number of NPLs due to the pandemic generated by Covid-19 implies a decisive and up-to-date strategy.
The event “Virtual Investors’ Conference on Greek NPL”, from IMN – Information Management Network, had HipoGes present as an official sponsor, as well as through both our General Manager & Partner, Hugo Velez, and our Global Chief Real Estate Officer, Nuno Antunes, who were present as speakers.
Hugo Velez was able to share with the audience his experience in the sector on the panel “Trends in Loan Servicing”. The General Manager & Partner of HipoGes was able to discuss various subjects of interest, such as the different strategies and models of servicing that may be found in the industry, or the importance of investor due diligence and asset quality check.
Several questions were answered and explained by Hugo Velez, such as servicers originating ABS (Asset-Backed Security) or what major challenges and risks for non-bank servicers.
Nuno Antunes, Global Chief Real Estate Officer of HipoGes, was a speaker on the panel “Real Estate: Valuation, NPL Volume and Asset Management Outlook”, together with other important figures of the Asset Management and Real Estate sectors, and with the moderation of Ilias Kyriakopoulos, CEO and UBO of Hellenic Investment Recovery Advisors (HIRA). In this panel, among the various issues discussed, highlighting the discussions related to the position of investors before the Real Estate sector and its risks and retributions. The issue of artificial intelligence and technology and its impact on Real Estate Marketing, property management and underwriting, was also addressed.
The audience could count on the presence of key figures from HipoGes,such as Margarida Maia (Country Manager Portugal), Claudio Panunzio (Managing Director), Nikitas Zisimos (CEO, Alsvit), Ioannis Tegopoulos (Executive Vice-Chairman, HipoGes HELLAS), Juan Ramon Prieto (COO) and Pedro Valle-Domingues (Executive Director of Advisory).
An event of importance to the sector
Another successful event by IMN – Information Management Network, which happened digitally in the new platform provided by the company.
The event, sponsored by HipoGes, featured 212 delegates representing more than 100 different companies. The number of speakers was 27 and the best represented sectors among the audience were Investment/NPL Buyer (with 36,9%), Servicer Provider (with 31,1%) and Issuer/NPL Seller (with 18,5%). The average number of viewing time was 36 minutes.
From the statistics obtained after the event, it was also possible to observe that the countries with the highest representation was Greece, which had 49% representative audience.
Given that these events are usually very beneficial for employees and companies in the industry, which made possible various networking contacts.
After the event, HipoGes talked to Christopher Arnold, Vice-President of Structured Finance of IMN, who gave us his remarks on the event:
We were delighted to host IMN’s Virtual Investors’ Conference in Greek NPLs with 210+ market participants signing-up for a full day of important content and networking opportunities in this critical year for the Greek economy and recovery.
Deputy Minister of Finance George Zavvos provided an opening keynote on the Developments in Hercules APS 2.0 with timely panel discussions throughout the day from 27 speakers representing influential NPL sellers, large investors, government entities, international bankers and other key service providers. Given the importance of the non-performing loans sector in Greece, over 100 companies were represented including key sponsorship support from market leaders Hipoges, Morgan Stanley, DBRS Morningstar, Reed Smith, DLA Piper and European DataWarehouse.
We would like to sincerely thank all our attendees and sponsors for their support in making this event a success, and we look forward to welcoming back the-person industry in Athens in 2022.
To learn more about the event, visit IMN’s page for the event “Virtual Investors’ Conference on Greek NPLs”, where you can explore the subjects spoken of and the other speakers and enterprises present.